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Why has my order been closed because of security reasons?

All payments on pacmanstream will go through a verification process. We might have discovered a risk and to protect your account we have automatically cancelled your order and payment. Your card will be temporarily blocked on our site/app.

In situations like this, some banks will decide to put your payment on hold. The money will be transferred back to your account, how long this takes mostly depends on your bank.

For more information, please contact your bank.

About the appeal
To prevent order cancellation, please follow the below steps to submit an appeal:

1. Go to My Reports

2. Click Submit a Complanit

3. Submit the following documents:
- A copy of your personal ID or passport if you used a personal credit card for the transaction, or a copy of your business registration if you used a company credit card
- A copy of both sides of the credit card
- A copy of your bank statement

Normally, it takes 3 business days for our Order Verification Department to verity your card information after you’ve submitted your appeal. Once everything is verified, you can continue placing your order.
In case the new order is also closed, please try again after 24 hours. The system need take few hours to update the appeal result.

Please note that all orders on pacmanstream go through a verification process.

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