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I have not received my refund on my credit card yet. What can I do?

If you paid with a credit card, the money will be refunded to your card. It usually takes around 5-15 business days for the money to arrive.

If the refund process is marked "complete" but it looks like you did not get your money back yet, please check your bank account first. Some refunds are booked on the date of the purchase.

If after carefully checking your bank statement (as suggested above) you still cannot find your refund, please contact our customer service team.

1. The bank statement should have an official stamp.
2. Please provide a bank statement from 2 days before the purchase date until 10 business days after the (completed) refund date. For example, if you paid for an order on Oct. 3 and your refund was completed on Oct.16, please send us the bank statement that shows payments from Oct. 1 – Oct. 30.
3. Mark the purchase of the specific order in your bank statement so that it easy for us to find.

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