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If my parcel is seized by Customs what should i do?

If the items are detained by Customs after the shipment has left China, the buyer is responsible for clearance of the detained items. It is the buyer's responsibility for any Customs duty fees that may be charged upon delivery. How the import duty will be charged depends on each country’s custom policies.

If your items can not be cleared at Customs, you need to provide pacmanstream with the letter authorized by customs stating why they have been seized.
These refer to cases in which the packages are held in detention at your Customs. The dispatching party should be responsible for providing evidence to explain the detention.
Case 1: If the item is held in detention at the dispatching party’s Customs, pacmanstream should make a full refund to the buyer.
Case 2: If Customs proves that the detention happens because the item is prohibited or a replica subject to a fine, pacmanstream should make a full refund to the buyer.
Case 3: If no written certification is provided by Customs about the detention, the goods are deemed to be en route and pacmanstream should handle the case based under the context that the shipping information is incomplete.

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